Joy of Quarantine

Hi. My name is Jena Friedman. Prior to the pandemic, I was a touring comedian. Now, like many of you, I’m trapped in my home, with ample time to let my mind wander to the darkest places. Something I’ve found that distracts me from my own thoughts and our grim new dystopian reality is cooking.
I just want to preface that I’m not a chef, and I’m not great at following directions. But desperate times call for desperate measures, so I’m going to walk you through some easy recipes that I’ve discovered in my first few weeks in quarantine with my boyfriend Josh Epstein of the band JR JR and his Chihuahua, Potato. I’ve decided to start with recipes that have Eastern European Jewish roots, like myself. That way, if I mess them up it will be less offensive. Want to learn how to cook babka, kugel, or a dynamite everything bagel?
BABKA! Jena Friedman makes New York’s most iconic dessert (sorry cheesecake fans…) in episode 4 of the Joy of Quarantine.
What exactly is cholent? No one really knows, including Jena Friedman. But that’s not stopping her from taking a crack at this Shabbat staple of a dish!
In episode 2 of Joy of Quarantine, Jena Friedman dives into the culinary challenges of the carb-filled kugel. Just like everyone else in quarantine, she had to be resourceful with what she had on-hand in her kitchen, even if that meant getting a little “creative.” You’ll see what we mean…
Everything Bagel
Introducing the Joy of Quarantine with Jena Friedman! The stand up comedian, writer, and former Daily Show field producer tries her hand at recipes that have Eastern European Jewish roots, like herself. “That way, if I mess them up it will be less offensive.” In the premiere episode, Jena takes a shortcut to make the quintessential everything bagel! Will it turn out to be an authentic replica?