
Tiffany Shlain and Ken Goldberg Tree of Knowledge

Tiffany Shlain and Ken Goldberg watched the fires in Los Angeles with heartbreak for all the people losing their homes and possessions. They also felt a deep sadness for all the trees lost, trees with all their embedded histories, also lost forever. Shlain and Goldberg have spent the past few years tracing history through the rings of massive, reclaimed tree rings. As the Jewish festival of the trees Tu BiShvat approaches, they reflected on other histories trees could have witnessed, etching the historical and contemporary questions that have catalyzed the quest for knowledge into the tree rings. Their pieces are exhibited in Getty’s PST Art & Science Collide exhibition at the Skirball Cultural Center: Ancient Wisdom for a Future Ecology: Trees, Time & Technology. Their art will also be featured during Frieze Art Fair. Read more here

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