About Us
Support Making Jewish Your Own

Want to help Reboot change the world? We develop programs, resources and tools that improve the lives of millions of people. Your help allows us to provide people with meaningful, deep Jewish experiences on their own terms. Reboot’s programs are made possible as a result of generous donors. Reboot is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Our supporters
- Jonathan Abrams
- Adelphi School of Social Work
- Sarah Adler
- David Agger
- AmazonSmile Foundation
- Abby Anderson
- Anonymous
- Applebaum Family Philanthropies
- Jeffrey H. and Shari L. Aronson Family Foundation
- Avishay Artsy
- Rebecca Arzoian
- Lawrence Azerrad
- Roy Bahat
- Morton Bearman
- Josh Becker
- Newton and Rochelle Becker Charitable Trust
- Nicola Behrman
- Raphael Bemporad
- Chad Bennett
- Roger Bennett
- Jeffrey Benton
- Maya Benton
- David and Riva Berelson
- J.R. and Katie Berger Family Foundation
- Shoshana Berger
- Dennis Berman
- Alan Bernstein
- Jonathan Bines
- Stephanie Block
- Steve Bodow
- Julia Boorstin
- William Bragin
- Breakthrough Fund: An Innovation of the Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago
- Carianne Brinkman
- Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies
- Lisa Brown
- Kristopher Brown
- Allison Buchwach
- Lara Buluc
- Shelley Carl
- Steven Cayre
- Jessica Chaffin
- Donald and Carole Chaiken Foundation
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
- Claims Conference
- Clarius Group LLC
- Amanda and Greg Clayman
- John Cline
- Liz Cohen
- Susan Cohn
- Alexander Cole
- D’Arcy Collins
- Anne Cook
- Madeline Corrado
- Corwin Family Foundation
- Stacy Cotler
- Lou Cove
- Covenant Foundation
- Crown Family Philanthropies
- Susan Damron
- Gretchen and Ethan Davidson
- William Davidson Foundation
- Adriana de Julio
- Debode/Gottesman Family Fund
- Jessica Dell’Era
- Robert DeSimone
- Richard Destin
- Sarah DiLeo
- Zachary Drucker
- Melissa Eccles
- EJF Philanthropies
- Anders Ekbom
- Rebecca Elmaleh
- Ben Elowitz
- Jess Engel
- Carolyn Epstein
- Abby Falik
- Christopher Farber
- Fassler Greenfield Fund
- Norman Fassler-Katz
- Rebecca Feferman
- Suzanne Felson
- Gordon Firemark
- Suzanne Firstenber
- Micah Fitzerman-Blue
- Daniel Fost
- Jordanna Fraiberg
- Alex Franklin
- David Friedman
- Stephen Friedman
- Friedman Meyer Fund
- Emanuel J. Friedman Philanthropies
- Kate Frucher
- Cary Frydman
- Gaia Fund
- Emily Gannett
- Eric Garcetti
- John and Kimberly Garnett
- Rebecca Garza-Bortman
- Sharon Gelman
- Daniela Gerson
- Bruce Gilbert
- Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation
- Diane and Guilford Glazer Foundation
- Joshua Glazer
- Jeremy and Jenna Goldberg
- Ken Goldberg
- Randy Goldberg
- Susan Goldberg
- Paige Goldberg-Tolmach
- Stephen Goldblatt
- Oren Goldenberg
- Joyce & Irving Goldman Family Foundation
- Lisa & Douglas Goldman Fund
- Richard and Rhoda Goldman Foundation
- Rachel Gollay
- Scott Goodstein
- Archie Gottesman
- Gottesman-Biddle Family Philanthropic Fund
- Rebecca Green
- Lisa Grissom
- Gross Family Charitable Fund
- Alex Grossman
- Marsha and Ralph Guggenheim
- Molly Guy
- Adolfo Guzman-Lopez
- Walter and Elise Haas Fund
- Chelsea Hadley
- Daniel Handler
- Adam Handwerker Philanthropic Fund
- Maxwell Hayman
- Eric Heiman
- Julie Hermelin
- Heidi Hess
- Lauren Hoffman
- Damona Hoffman
- Russell and Susan Holdstein Philanthropic Fund
- Courtney Holt
- Stacy Horne
- Jeff Hunter Charitable Trust
- David Hyman
- Andrew Jacobs
- Arnold Jacobs
- Jessica Jacobs
- Jewish Communal Fund
- Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund of San Francisco
- Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles
- Jewish Endowment Foundation of Louisiana
- Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles
- Jewish Federation of Greater Washington
- Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit
- Jim Joseph Foundation
- JLRJ, Inc.
- John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation
- Joni Jones
- Patricia Joyce
- JRB Charitable Fund
- Noah Kagan
- Deborah Kail
- Craig Kanarick
- Jamie Kantrowitz
- Wendi Kaplan
- Rita J. and Stanley H. Kaplan Foundation
- Mike Kappus
- Beth Karlin
- Caroline Kelly
- Ari Kelman
- Patricia Kelter
- James & Sherri Ketai Philanthropic Fund
- Charlie Kirschner
- Courtney Kivowitz
- Dusty Klass
- Kanu Kogod
- Blair and David Kohan
- Maury Kohn
- Lisa Kohorn
- Jed Kolko
- Koret Foundation
- Jacob Kornbluth
- Jim and Cathy Koshland Philanthropic Fund
- Robin Kramer
- Todd Krieger
- Lynn and Jules Kroll Family Foundation
- Grant Kudert
- Francesca Kuehlers
- Jordan Kurland
- Samantha Kurtzman-Counter
- Marc Kushner
- Gillian Laub
- Laura Lauder
- Jillian Lauren
- Rachel Lawent
- Leesfield Family Charitable Foundation
- Heidi Lender
- Leslie Family Foundation
- Lessing Family Charitable Fund
- Rachel Levin
- Howard & Irene Levine Family Foundation
- Beth Levison
- Caroline Libresco
- Alan Light
- Damon Lindelof
- Sara Linden
- Guy Lipa
- Lippman Kanfer Foundation for Living Torah
- Rachel Lithgow
- David Lubensky
- Wendy Macnaughton
- Jennifer Maer
- Maimonides Fund
- Alexander M. & June L. Maisin Foundation
- Paula Manzanedo-Schmit
- Lewis Margolis
- Kathleen McCowin
- Cherie and Martin McDermott
- Susan McPherson
- Jason Meil
- Debra Messinger
- Brina Milikowsky
- Jack Miller Family Foundation
- Rev. Moose
- Morningstar Foundation
- Mijanou Mosher
- Deborah Nelson
- Chris Noxon
- Daniel and Jane Och Charitable Trust
- Rebecca Odes
- Open Society Foundation
- Rob Orley
- Bernard Osher Jewish Philanthropies Foundation
- Mark Otto
- Alexander Paladino
- Elizabeth Palley
- Christine Pallotti
- Manoj Pardasani
- Benj Pasek
- Lyn Paul
- Mark Pearson
- Peter Pelberg
- Beth Pickens
- Leslie Pineda
- Jeffrey & Emily Pitt Philanthropic Fund
- Howard & Geraldine Polinger Family Foundation
- Lisa Portnoy
- Tali Pressman
- John Pritzker Family Fund
- Project Accelerate
- Josh Radnor
- Jennifer Ramberg
- Eileen Raymond
- Lauren Reeves
- Alysia Reiner
- Arianne Reines
- Stacey Reiss
- Righteous Persons Foundation
- Raymond Roker
- Liz Rolle
- Ritaraizel Rosenbaum
- Rosenthal Family Foundation
- Douglas Ross
- Laura Roth
- David Rothbart
- Philip Rozario
- Rubenstein Communications
- Aviva Rubin
- Jon Rubin
- Robert Russell
- Russell Berrie Foundation
- Marjorie Rutimann
- Adam Sachs
- Shelley Salamensky
- Amy Salzhauer
- Alexandra Sarason
- Kay Sarlin-Wright
- Joshua Sassoon
- Loren and Shelley Saxe
- David Saxe Philanthropic Fund
- Kenneth Schlesinger
- Marcia Schoppik
- Serena Schuler
- Steven Schuler
- Gabriella Schultz
- Michael Schultz
- Charles & Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies
- Liana Schwartz
- Marian Schwartz
- Daniel Schwartz
- Lacey Schwartz Delgado
- Jennifer Selby
- Yosi Sergant
- Andrew Shapiro
- Yuval Sharon
- Merrit and Pamela Sher Family Fund
- Tiffany Shlain
- Jillian Shriner
- Susan Siegel
- Silicon Valley Community Foundation
- Ira Silverberg
- Justin Silverman
- Wendy Silverman
- Juliet Simmons
- Marc Simon
- Sinai Memorial Chapel
- Rachel Sklar
- Slingshot Fund
- Logan Smalley
- Larry Smith
- Jen Snow
- Social Good Fund
- Rebecca Soffer
- Daniel Sokatch
- Joey Soloway
- Samuel Sonenshine
- Susan Sorkin
- Emily Spivack
- Paulette Stalling
- Jon Steinberg
- Jenny Steingart
- Jeffrey Stombaugh
- Irving I. Stone Foundation
- Lisa Stone Pritzker Family Foundation
- Judith Sussman
- Adam Swig
- Anke Tamer
- Jay TelRav
- Alvin and Fanny B. Thalheimer Foundation, Inc.
- Bradley Thomasma
- Wendy Todd
- Jessy Tolkan
- Abby Topolsky
- Troper Wojcicki Foundation
- Jennifer Tuft
- Jason Turbow
- Brent Tworetzky
- UJA-Federation of New York
- Ilene Ungerleider
- Shoshana Ungerleider
- Steven Ungerleider
- Upstart
- Delila Vallot
- Leslie Vollenweider
- Josh Wachs
- Gayle Wald
- Adam Walden
- Amy Waldman
- Wallis Foundation
- Lois Wander
- Wasserman Projects Fund
- Jane Wattenberg
- Caroline Waxler
- David Weinberg
- Judith Weiser
- Brynn Wexler
- Christopher Whalen
- Sarah Wick
- Taryn Wiliams
- Melissa Williams
- Sara Wilson
- Anne Wojcicki Foundation
- Maggie Wolf
- Jennifer Wolfson
- Tiffany Woolf
- Debbie Yunker Kail
- Zagat Fund
- M.B. and Edna Zale Foundation
- Maxine and Jack Zarrow Family Foundation
- Randi Zuckerberg