Afikomen (אֲפִיקוֹמָן) is the broken piece of matzah that is hidden during the Passover Seder and then sought out by the youngest members of the seder table. The word Afikomen comes from the Greek epikomion [ἐπικώμιον], meaning “that which comes after” or “dessert.”
The seder meal is in many ways one of the most structured of Jewish observations. There is the seder plate itself with many assorted items symbolizing both oppression and freedom from slavery. Then, within the larger seder meal, is another tradition that for years has kept younger generations and children engaged.
What is this act within the act? The afikomen! In the earliest parts of the meal, the middle of three matzah is broken into two pieces, the larger of which will be the afikomen. (The end of the first act or the prelude!) At this time, the leader of the seder, or his or her delegate, hides the afikomen somewhere in the house to be found later by the children. Finding the afikomen yields physical rewards (candy, money) and also ensures that the children remain engaged.
When the meal is completed, the hunt is on and the seder cannot conclude until the afikomen is found. While in certain Reformed households it’s the kids who search for the afikomen, in others it’s held ransom by them and the parents must pay to release the afikomen. Either way, until the afikomen is produced and shared the meal cannot end.
When the afikomen is discovered, everyone may take a small bite — but only after all other food has been served. It’s the last food to be eaten and symbolizes the of the end of the seder revelry.
Looking for ways to Reboot your Passover? Check out Reboot’s Passover Resource Guide.