Educational Tools

Passover Resource Guide

March 26, 2023

All who are hungry, let them enter and eat; All who are in need, let them come celebrate Passover with us.

ָכּל ִד ְכ ִפין יֵי ֵתי וְיֵיכֹל ָ – כּל ִד ְצ ִריך יֵי ֵתי וְיִ ְפ ַסח

So begins the Magid portion of the Passover seder – the section where we tell the story of our ancestors’ exodus from Egypt. Traditionally read aloud as a group in Aramaic, the ancient Jewish lingua-franca, with the door open to the street, these words remind us to be generous not only with necessities such as food and shelter, but to do so with joy and celebration. Reboot has curated activities, resources, videos, and other offerings from our work that speak to these themes of hospitality, celebration, and creating a brighter and more equitable future.

We invite you and your community to explore the Reboot Passover Guide. You might choose to take action by working to reduce plastic pollution with Plastover, cook a new recipe from Beyond Bubbie or Kitchen Radio, or you might want to pair the tunes of the star-studded Saturday Night Seder with many other creative and thought-provoking projects. Like everything Reboot does, this collection of content can easily complement or supplement your traditional holiday experiences to personalize how you embrace this holiday season.

Six Word Memoirs Plastover Saturday Night Seder Kitchen Radio Unscrolled Beyond Bubbie Silver Screen Studios Ten Commandments Reboot Ideas