Weekly Unscrolled Torah Portion: Eikev

“And that was that. Present-day refugees in the desert learned what had been commanded to the Hebrews in ancient times, in the forty-sixth parashah, Eikev, among other places: Tell your story. Tell it “in order that your days may increase and the days of your children . . . ”
Charles London shares a beautiful account of interviews he did as a 22 year old journalist with children from South Sudan. He speaks about the power of sharing stories and how present-day refugees in the desert learned what was commanded to the Hebrews in ancient times in the parsha of Eikev: “Tell your story. Tell it ‘in order that your days may increase and the days of your children”. London kept his promise and published the many stories of the refugees he interviewed helping many receive repatriation.
Click on the image to read the full portion and interpretation
Alex (Charles) London is the author of over 25 books for children, teens, and adults with over 2 million copies sold. He’s the author of the forthcoming middle grade sci-fi fantasy series Battle Dragons, from Scholastic Books, as well as Dog Tags, Tides of War, Wild Ones, and Accidental Adventures series. For young adults, he’s the author of the acclaimed cyberpunk duology Proxy, and the epic fantasy trilogy, The Skybound Saga. His 2009 Far From Zion was a finalist for the nonfiction National Jewish Book Award. A former journalist covering refugee camps and conflict zones, he can now be found somewhere in Philadelphia, where he lives with his husband and daughter or online at www.calexanderlondon.com