Weekly Unscrolled Torah Portion: Balak

“Balaam may be a seer, but at a decisive moment, his sight is obstructed by a sclerotic artery of greed. He sells out, and it nearly kills him. The lesson? Being a true seer, not just a two-buck huckster, means listening to your inner donkey. It might just save your ass.”
Shoshana Berger shares a story from her life of when she felt similar to Balaam and explains eloquently how perhaps we have all had Balaam like experiences in our lives.
Shoshana Berger spent her career as a journalist and magazine-maker before joining IDEO as editorial director in 2013. She launched IDEO’s blog, the Octopus; launched the company’s first large-scale conference; and has worked on projects ranging from reimagining modern Judaism to the end of life to school lunch. In 2019, Shoshana joined a leadership team focused on systems change in education and the workforce.