Weekly Unscrolled Torah Portion: Sh’Lakh L’Kha

Caitlin Roper shares a personal story about her divorce and how it reminded her to Sh’Lakh L’kha. She mentions a conversation with a friend who told the truth when asked if she thought Caitlin should get married. The footnotes of this interaction are cleverly compared to the Israelites wanting to stay safe, although desperate to find a new home.
“You can’t blame other people for not telling you the truth—truth is often the enemy of peace. Most of us would rather stay safe than say what we feel is true. That is how I married the wrong man, after all.”
Caitlin Roper is the executive producer for scripted projects at The New York Times. There is a vhs tape of her silently mouthing “fuck you” from the bimah to a friend in the audience during her bat mitzvah at Temple Beth El, in Berkeley, CA on Dec. 29, 1990.