Give Light This Hanukkah Through Tikkun Olam

Give Light This Hanukkah Through Tikkun Olam
Reboot’s Give Light project re-imagines the concept of gift giving during Hanukkah as a time for tikkun olam. The initiative asks people to consider how and why they “give light” to others this season.
It means giving time, talents, thoughts or money to causes you believe in. It may mean speaking up to injustice, supporting a friend or loved one in need – or something completely unique to you.
Use our conversation prompts and activities as a way to embrace the holiday season. Find it all and more in our free Hanukkah Resource Guide. Download it below.
Get creative in how you reflect on the light you give this season.
Do it with your family, friends, as an individual or with your organization or community and enhance your experience with our materials:
Give Light printable coupon book for you to give people to express the light you will give to them.
Give Light Menorah Reflection Board
Give Light Conversation Sheet
Give Light Key Chain Craft
Give Light Reflection Bookmark.
Download the Hanukkah Resource Kit Here
Here’s what past participants had to say about Give Light: