Beyond Bubbie

Beyond Bubbie is an interactive community cookbook and a place to share the stories and memories connected to these recipes.
You may be wondering: What is a Bubbie?
Traditionally, a Bubbie (the Yiddish word for grandmother) is of Jewish and Eastern European origin. You know the type; endless supply of floral print housecoats, hot in the winter and cold in the summer, careful with her money, but generous with kisses and pinches of the cheek. She is also a culinary dynamo, able to pluck chickens and roll matzo into magic balls. Beyond Bubbie embraces today’s eclectic multicultural world, and offers that a “Bubbie” could just as easily be a favorite uncle, beloved family friend or next door neighbor; their trademark recipes might be Moroccan cigars, Korean short ribs, or vegetarian couscous.
We invite you to upload a recipe, share your story and submit photos of your Bubbies, real and imagined.
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